A bit about me…

A Story of resilience and perseverance

Hi there!

I’m India and I’m a self taught visual artist, born and raised here in Australia. I took to art as a child and spent most my time creating, drawing and beautifying simple objects/materials. Being surrounded by so much native wildlife, plants and flowers on the East coast; i always had plenty of inspiration to draw from the beautiful environment around me.

Little did i know that art would also become a therapeutic tool later in life as i was diagnosed with ‘Limb-girdle, Muscular dystrophy’ at the age of 11. As my condition progressed; so did my passion for art through many positive influences such as school art teachers who taught me the skills i needed to express through my art.

After a year of studying social welfare at university, I found myself struggling to adjust to my new life in a wheelchair as my muscles were progressively getting weaker, to the point where i could no longer walk. And so i decided to leave uni to pursue what truly gave me a sense of happiness; and that is creating art. I haven’t looked back since then.

I enjoy working with a variety of mediums such as inks, paints and water-colour however I recently learned about the art form ‘ink stippling’ and was inspired by the idea of creating art made from hundreds and thousands of tiny dots, and the patience that comes with it. I felt that to be symbolic in a way with my physical disability and the patience I needed to persevere with life in a wheelchair and so i find myself often returning to working more predominantly with inks and fine tipped pens.

South Side Art Markets 2022

I wanna see a feisty group of disabled people around the world…if you don’t respect yourself and if you don’t demand what you believe in for yourself, you’re not gonna get it.
— Judith Heumann